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Hi there! We are the Curren Family. We traveled full time in our Airstream from 2013-2017 and now split our time between our small condo in Teton Valley, ID and the road.

As avid, outdoor, travel and adventure enthusiasts we are here to provide tips, advice, and inspiration to help you develop healthier and stronger family relationships.

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Doubt Your Doubts Before You Doubt Your Faith


We had a moment during our Disneyland vacation. Okay, it was more like a handful of moments where Sam and I just looked at each other and thought, “What are we doing?” It would feel so natural after we were done to drive back to Utah and resume our previous life. Vacation over, back to normal. It was so strange, and real, and a bit scary actually.

Then we thought of all the good things that had happened since buying the Airstream, how much we love to travel, how well our kids were doing, all of the amazing places we’d been, and we tried to shake those feelings. We KNEW we just needed to get started again, and yet that seemed so difficult.

In the last General Conference, President Uchtdorf said something that has resonated with me ever since. He said, “Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith.” How true is that? So often Satan tries to get us to forget the promptings, the assurance, and the comfort we have previously received from the Holy Ghost. When we started this journey we KNEW what we were doing is right – so we needed to doubt our doubts before we doubted our decision to travel. Could our path in life change? Of course. One of the things we are most aware of is the needs of our family. When traveling stops fulfilling our needs, we’ll stop. But I think that answer will come in response to thoughtful prayer and meditation, not fear and uncertainty.

Once we left Anaheim and started traveling again, our desire to return to Utah melted away. Of course, there are other fears and uncertainty, but for now that one has been put to rest. I’m so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father that guides, directs, and leads us. But also that He allows us moments of indecision and insecurity so that we can grow and become stronger.

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