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Hi there! We are the Curren Family. We traveled full time in our Airstream from 2013-2017 and now split our time between our small condo in Teton Valley, ID and the road.

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Category Archives: Oregon

Could I Live in the Pacific Northwest?

Much to my surprise, we have had quite a few people ask us our opinion of the Pacific Northwest (PNW). I think for some people, the PNW is like a mystical dreamland. Plenty of recreation opportunities, beautiful green landcapes, the rolling ocean and coast. It does sound pretty dreamy, right?. These people were thinking of…

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  • I completely agree with all your points. We spent a few months in Washington & Oregon a few years ago, and while it was wonderful, the constant rain, drizzle and clouds got to me after awhile. I really need sun, and after 4 days in a row of rain or clouds I find myself feeling sad and unmotivated. I think it’s a greatl area to visit, but could never live there year round.ReplyCancel

    • Jess

      yes! We need one more summer up the coast to make up for our drizzy experience, but then I think I could call it done. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Come to MN! It is green here, we have big lakes and while it does rain, it doesn’t rain for days at a time. That said, don’t come until June. If you come before June you may get stuck in a snow storm!ReplyCancel

    • Jess

      I think next summer will be quite the test run! I can’t wait!ReplyCancel

Road Story – Garbage in Bend, OR

After we left Crater Lake, we headed to Bend. We wanted to visit a few things in the area and it was a good place to spend the weekend and attend church. We had heard from some fellow travelers about a boondocking spot on China Hat Road, just south of Bend. It sounded like a…

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  • Great story… I really enjoyed reading it… Still wondering why the forest ranger gave you the boot on your second visit…. To be continued… Dun dun dun…. Anyway… enjoy your travels… We plan on being on the road in a year or so… Your stories are inspiring!


    • Jess

      We found out the National Forest closed to motorized vehicles as of November 1st. I’m assuming its just a winter thing and we were a few days too late. Nothing we did personally!ReplyCancel

The Scenic Colombia River Gorge outside of Portland, Oregon

During our stay in Portland, we wandered into the Columbia River Gorge for an afternoon. Perhaps the best known stop there is Multnomah Falls, at a height of 620 feet. The falls are beautiful, but honestly, we felt a little claustrophobic. Prior to arriving in Portland, we had visited Silver Falls State Park, and hiked to…

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