“Much of education is oriented, for better or worse, towards making a living rather than making a life.”
My thoughts about public education are seemingly on a roller coaster. Some days I want to hand off the education of my children to someone else, some days I’m ready to keep them by my side forever, and some I’m lukewarm indifferent. Really, a lot depends on how difficult my children were being that day, or what I’ve read recently about different home school philosophies (not that I read much), or other non-related influences currently in my life.
Recently, however, I happened upon a Ted Talk by 13 year old Logan LaPlante who talks about his idea of “hackschooling” and how its helped him in his education. In summary, what he wants to be when he grows up is “happy” and having the freedom to study what he is interested in outside a classroom does just that.
I’ve always said that I have no desire to homeschool my children past the traveling phase of our lives, but every once in awhile I get that twitch. The “what if” twitch that says, maybe there really is a different and better way.
Take a look and let me know what you think: