Last week we had a malware attack on the blog, right during an out-of-signal stint at Mt. Rainier. The resulting pandemonium has wrenched the schedule a bit and induced more stress than we care to admit.The good news is that we have the malware removed. The bad news is that doing so left huge parts of the blog broken. Our content is still here but stuff like the newsletter and other plugins need some work before they will be back online. Blogging will be a little light while we get the rest of this sorted, but we’ll keep it flowing. Instagram remains the best place to remain current with our travels. Follow @currentlywandering for the best images of our travels, and @jesscurren and @telegramsam for daily happenings.
In the meantime, enjoy a beautiful example of balanced rocks. We discovered this on our bike ride around the seawall in Stanley Island, Vancouver BC yesterday, and I was impressed. I’ve seen lots of rock stacks, but most take advantage of naturally flat sides. This stack was constructed of purposefully chosen round-ish rocks, highlighting the perfect balance found by the artist. To capture this image I had to scramble off the seawall path wearing my mountain cycling shoes. The shoes work well, as long as I carefully avoid the cleat when stepping on rocks. I need to watch someone do this someday.
Any idea how the malware got there? Any tips for us other bloggers? Glad it’s taken care of and mostly working again. I was thinking about trying out some balanced rocks as well. I may try using some super glue to give me a helping hand 😉
Our WordPress install is a little messy for a few reasons, which is part of the problem. We’ve done some housekeeping removing old blog installs and updating plugins. I’m sure the hole was an older plugin that wasn’t updated. We have added some tracking and testing plugins to warn us if we have an issue, and we’ll be much more responsive in the future!
Also, at the weight of these rocks, I’m not sure super glue would help much!