We have our permanent residence in Utah (at my parent’s house consequentially) as we always have an excuse to come back. This also made it easiest to just keep all our doctors and dentists the same and visit on our way through. We don’t get to the dentist every 6 months, but this year we’ve been close (January & October) which is better than nothing, right?
When we visited last Christmas we had to schedule all our appointments for the first of January. This put them at the end of our three week visit and by the time they rolled around we just wanted to roll out of town. Thinking ahead, THIS time we scheduled our appointments at the beginning of our visit and so far its been great. This also gave us time to schedule follow-ups with the dentist without delaying our schedule.
In addition to those housekeeping chores, we also went by the storage unit, unloaded a few Jr. Ranger Badges, picked up some more vinyl for the trailer and larger clothes for Cara. The kids also wanted to play with some of their toys while at grandma’s house so we grabbed those too.
This is definitely not the most glamorous part of living full time on the road, but health is important and so is family! Its been great to combine them both and then we should be set for the foreseeable future.