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Hi there! We are the Curren Family. We traveled full time in our Airstream from 2013-2017 and now split our time between our small condo in Teton Valley, ID and the road.

As avid, outdoor, travel and adventure enthusiasts we are here to provide tips, advice, and inspiration to help you develop healthier and stronger family relationships.

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Category Archives: Daily Life

Executing the Crazy Plan & No Time to Blog

We are still alive! I promise. I know I’ve been slacking on blog posts, but we have just been so darn busy with projects that it’s hard to keep up. The last couple of weeks have been rewarding, frustrating, and exciting all rolled up together. I’m learning to not take myself too seriously and we…

Our Wandering Plans for 2017

Since November of 2013, we’ve traveled 40 thousand miles with our Airstream home, visiting over 350 places along the way. It has been amazing. This year, we are going to continue our adventures in slightly different ways. We are going to do some significant repair and renovation to the Airstream, try our hand at running…

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Countdown to Summer Instagram Gear Giveaway

I’m starting to see signs of summer plans popping up all over social media. The snow photos are decreasing and people are looking forward to sunshine and warm weather. We are excited for our summer plans too! This year will be different for us, but so far we have a month scheduled through Glacier, Waterton,…

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  • Farming keeps us close to home so I especially enjoy hearing about your “rootless” life!ReplyCancel

Items We Still Buy at Costco & Our Costco Connection Magazine Cover

People seem surprised that we have kept our Costco membership even while living in such a tiny space. Either we are crazy, or there is more to Costco items than large, bulk purchases. I prefer the latter explanation. Truth is, we are probably addicted to some of the items they carry, and even though the…

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  • Malinda

    Hi Jess. Love your blog!
    I was at target yesterday and saw nick and Nora Jammie’s for women with air streams and pink flamingos on them. Thought of you. Check them out.
    Safe travels.ReplyCancel

    • Jess

      Thanks Malinda! I’ll have to look for them!ReplyCancel

  • Kyle

    Your shopping list looks A LOT like ours! With the exception of diapers of course…(we have a two month old and Costco diapers are a great deal. Encouraging to read how much you can still fit in the airstream! I So agree about the Coastal cheddar! I’ve been known to make a trip for ONLY that cheese when we’ve run out. LOL This helped a lot! Thank you! xxReplyCancel

    • Jess

      You are welcome! SO glad we are done with diapers. Too many years of buying those at Costco!ReplyCancel

      • Kyle

        I bet! So expensive. someday…..hubs wants one more I worry we won’t fit in the airstream ReplyCancel

  • […] We spent 5 days at the KOA and accomplished A LOT of logistics while we were there, including a stop at Costco where we were able to get our hands on a Costco magazine with our faces on the cover! […]ReplyCancel

  • Mary Loseke

    I envy you! Retiring in a year after 35 years teaching. Want to take a long trip around the US in our 1996 Terry trailer!ReplyCancel

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