I’m ready for my kids to be long distance hikers. I realize they are still little (8, 6, and 4 years old) but I MISS hiking. Pre-kid and even when Rachel was little and would fit in a backpack, we would take a Saturday and do 8-13 mile hikes OVER mountain passes. It was glorious….
Good tips 🙂 I just realized on our last hike that even though it was really hot and long neither of my boys whined! End in sight! They still have their moments but they used to switch who was going to be happy and who was going to be misarable! That has not happened in a while! I am so excited!
Thanks Danielle! That IS good news. I think our big turn around came when I told them in no uncertain terms that I love to hike and they were ruining it for me. 🙂
Great write up. We’ll have to try some of these. We do a lot of hiking. Sometimes the kids do great and have a blast. Other times it is a multi-hour chorus of “when are we going to be done?” ,”i’m bored” ,and – my favorite – “I don’t like hiking, it is too much walking”
Such a great list! Thanks for sharing all of your ideas. Will help as our kids get older.
You are welcome!
Good for you conquering that long hike with the kids! Yay! Something else I’ve found that works… tell the kids stories along the way, or with older kids, playing the story turn taking game, or whatever other game that comes to mind. Can pass some good time. Plus my kids aren’t familiar with all the true fairy tales since they are so young, so that’s always fun! 🙂 Scavenger hunts are fun too, the generic nature ones you can find online work. 🙂 Or play it like Bingo! Then prize for the first to get bingo, etc. 🙂 So fun! Sounds like you guys are having a blast!
Great list, everything you mentioned is exactly what my parents did with my sister and I when we were little! So I can tell you from experience that it will work. Keep it up 🙂