With all the outdoor activities in our life, clothes take it pretty hard. For example, we went through cheap Payless tennis shoes in about 2 months. I no longer think that if I buy something for Rachel it’ll last long enough for Cara to be able to wear it. Usually the article of clothing (pants,…
We were just talking about this today. Patrick wore through his school tennis shoes and we were buying him a new pair. I eyed the hiking shoes wistfully. I agree with the rubber toes. I won’t buy regular tennis shoes without at least a leather/rubber toe, for sure hiking boots will need rubber!
Do you have any thoughts on hiking sandals? I can’t stand gym shoes in the summer. Or better yet, hiking flip flops? Kidding, of course. Our family is planning to start camping this summer, so I’ll be reading through your tips. Thank you for sharing!
I totally know how you feel! I think it depends on your feet, the type of shoes and how long of a hike. For longer hikes, shoes can definitely give you better support while not having straps rub in all the wrong places. 🙂 Both Keen & Chaco make really great sandals, and if we are doing something short (1-2 miles) and the terrain isn’t rough we’ll totally just throw on our Chacos and walk in those. Hope that helps!!