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Hi there! We are the Curren Family. We traveled full time in our Airstream from 2013-2017 and now split our time between our small condo in Teton Valley, ID and the road.

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Category Archives: Faith

How to Find an LDS Meeting House While You Are Traveling

“Its seriously the smallest church building you’ve ever seen,” I say to Jess as she wrangles Cara’s dress over her head last Sunday morning. “No way. Really? Are they even going to have a primary for the kids?” she asks. “No idea,” I respond. “But I guess we’ll go find out.” We arrive at the…

Enjoying the Moment of Rachel’s Baptism

Every once in a while, some life event sneaks up on me and suddenly brings me to terms with my age. In September, my oldest daughter Rachel turned 8. I was suddenly reminded that yes, I was old enough and had been married long enough to have an 8 year old child. Turning 8 is…

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  • Aaron

    Hi, Just came across your site and I have enjoyed reading your stories. I have a wife and 4 kids and we full time in a fifth wheel. Although we don’t travel as much as I would like(cause I don’t have time to stop and smell the roses) we do seem to get around. So far my work this year has sent from ND to UT to SC to OK and next month TX then finally stay the winter in Laramie, WY. Burrrrr why can’t they send me south in winter and north in summer?
    Anyway, Its nice to read about other mormon families doing the same thing we are. You have a good way of writing about the gospel and I enjoyed it. Its funny how we become missionaries when traveling and we don’t even realize it. My wife and kids have gotten out of there comfort zones on several occasions to share the gospel with people they meet.
    Thanks for sharing your life.ReplyCancel

    • Jess

      Thanks for reading and for your compliments. We love meeting other LDS families, so if we are ever nearby let’s do dinner!ReplyCancel

  • […] (as we now call it) Sam decided that in order for him & Rachel to reach their goal of finishing the Book of Mormon before her baptism they really needed to start reading. A lot. So, every evening after Cara was in bed, the two of […]ReplyCancel


Note: This is a post I wrote back in August when we first picked up our Airstream from Illinois. At the time I didn’t feel like I wanted to share it, but now I feel like its an appropriate addition to our Sunday posts… We are in Louisville, Kentucky. It’s hot. And humid. And ridiculously…

Its Time to Live Your Dreams

My brother told me that we are “living our dream”. I had to sit a minute and contemplate exactly WHEN this became our dream. I promise we haven’t always had wanderlust. We bought a practical 2800 sq foot house in Lehi after college graduation. We loved putting in the yard, fixing up the storage room,…

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  • Kristen Crockett

    I love it! What great thoughts on making the most of life. I remember visiting my brother in a house they were renting in the Netherlands. As we walked around the neighborhood I thought “these people aren’t storing five huge boxes of Christmas decorations.” We do have too much stuff and it takes up a huge amount of physical (and mental) space, I love seeing where you’re going. And I’m guessing you can clean your entire “house” in an hour or two! So jealous!ReplyCancel

  • Glad you guys are doing what suits you and your family. We rented our hyse out in SLC for the next three or four years and are traveling with our two year old full time. I love the free time and the family closeness, and wouldn’t trade the minor inconveniences of camper life for being in our traditional home. For us, the two year idea has now turned into four years……….ReplyCancel

    • Jess

      I love to here of people living their dreams!! How brave of you to travel with a 2 year old. lol. We decided that our little 3.5 year old is *just* old enough to travel with and still stay sane. 🙂 Excited to check out your blog as well!ReplyCancel

  • V.adventurekerr

    This seriously brings tears to my eyes. I feel so so torn. The truth is my husband and I do not have a job that can be done from home. We spent 2 weeks in Canada traveling in August and I didn’t want to leave. I came back home changed wanting a simpler life a life spent in nature exploring. My hope is that in the next 3 years we will be able to find a job where we can live on the road. Thank you for sharing so many helping ideas and thoughts from your heart.

  • […] How do you go from a suburb in Utah to living and working on the open road? Currently Wandering started by traveling to Virginia as part of a house swap. This family of five wanted to try living in another state but after driving to Virginia they preferred the freedom of the open road. […]ReplyCancel

Leaving the Known for the Unknown

We’ve been to Denver before. Denver is not new to us, in fact it was a little like coming home. Right now, if I could pick anywhere to live it would be there. I love it. I love the people, I love the landscape, I love the city. I love the outskirts of the city. Turns out…

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  • Shari DeVoogd

    This adventure will be an landmark in your family’s life. You will all be changed after it. We are creatures of habit and love our security of what is known. When you are willing to stretch out your boundaries, life because fuller. You will never regret this. It is a gift to your children. That doesn’t ensure a smooth path. The road may be rocky. But in reality, the rocky roads have a way better view! Enjoy!ReplyCancel

  • jamie

    maybe you can come to Denver with us one day – and I hope I love it as much as you.ReplyCancel

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