Last week I was snuggling with Andrew in our hammock at Camp Noyo looking up at the swaying Redwood trees over head. We started musing about how much we loved it there and I started thinking about how nice it was that it felt like we were on vacation. “Andrew, when was the last time…
I had never really thought of that. It would be difficult to take a vacation when you can work from anywhere! Growing up my parents usually took vacations to do big projects on the old farmhouse they were fixing up 🙂 Not really my idea of a vacation. HA!
Along with the challenge that you are having, I have often wondered where people who live in the Caribbean and the South Pacific vacation?! I mean, where do you go from there?
You know, we have been thinking about this same thing as we are preparing for full timing. We need to make sure we do something different now and then that will still feel like a vacation!