Every time we head east from Colorado it gives me chills. There’s something about being past the Rocky Mountains that really makes it feel like we are going somewhere new, exciting, and different. I love it. Until we get to the humidity. Dun, dun, dun. The midwest was HOT and ridiculously humid and mostly we…
This is really cool. I discovered your family’s journey in a national park magazine a month ago (or so) and have been following your blog as well as many other full-time families. We live just outside of Omaha and my parents live in Gothenburg so I know about the city campground as well as pony express site – first time I’ve seen a traveling family go through somewhere in Nebraska I’m familiar with! So happy for you and jealous of your lifestyle!
Cheers from Nebraska!
I’m so glad you found us! We loved that little spot of Nebraska although I about died in the heat and humidity. I don’t know how you live there! lol! 🙂