Last week we spent 2 nights at Angel Lake high in the Ruby Mountains. It was beautiful and surprising given that generally our excursions across Nevada on I-80 are done as quickly as possible due to the lack of scenery. The Ruby Mountains, however, are definitely not lacking in scenery. Located south of Wells, foraging into these hills is definitely worth the time and effort if you can manage it. The only downside to this beautiful place is the drive up there. Located at nearly 8500 feet elevation, the road to get there is windy, twisty, and there are seriously NO guardrails. I really almost had a heart attack. Once we got to to the top (and were all still in one piece) I spent some of the next two days dreading the drive back down. I had visions of our brakes giving out and us careening over the edge to our deaths. Luckily, no such thing happened, and the trip down was pretty uneventful. Lucky for you, we made a video of our descent. Check it out! The kids mention in the video that one of their favorite things was to hike to the waterfall. We also spent an afternoon swimming in the fairly frigid (yet quite refreshing) Angel Lake. Someday maybe we’ll even add a fishing pole to our arsenal of gear and catch us some dinner while we are at it.
As you can see the scenery is quite breathtaking. My kids (and Sam!) were fairly impressed with my impromptu hike to the top of the waterfall as well. I’m pretty sure Andrew was just jealous as scrambling into dangerous places is one of his favorite past times. We definitely enjoyed this trip and look forward to the next time we get to visit this amazing places!
So in the Oquirrh mountains there is one even worse I would say. It is going up to Butterfield Canyon (I think). It is just as steep as a drop off and no guard rails – BUT a dirt road and only one lane – so if a car comes the other way one has to try and scoot up against the mountain and the other goes as close to the edge as they can. We tried it once and only made it half way before I insisted that we turn around because I was sure we were going to die. I heard the views are worth it – but some things are definitely not worth it. If you like adventure you should try it next time you are in Utah. 🙂
How funny! I only ever went up Butterfield canyon once. In high school. With a boy. The views were pretty amazing but I didn’t pay attention much to the road!!
Eeeeek!! That is quite the adventure. Your videos are so fun and a great peek into your excursions.
Beautiful pics!