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Hi there! We are the Curren Family. We traveled full time in our Airstream from 2013-2017 and now split our time between our small condo in Teton Valley, ID and the road.

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Category Archives: Daily Life

It Feels Good to Break a Sweat: My Newest Workout Routine

Trying to exercise with our unpredictable schedule has been one of the biggest challenges for me of our full time travel. I posted back in January about my failure of an attempt at working out, and although things aren’t much better, I feel like I have a few more tricks up my sleeve. We have some…

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  • We are Endomondo users as well! It is a great app. I really dislike road running but trail running is amazing! Do you run on trails as well?ReplyCancel

    • Jess

      That’s probably the only time I run! I hate running on pavement, but somehow trails just make it all the more bearable! Most state parks we’ve stayed at will have some sort of trail (even if its short).ReplyCancel

  • […] physical and mental reasons. I’ve posted a few times about exercising on the road (here and here), but the short is I have fallen in love with Beach Body workouts and Shakeology. I just needed a […]ReplyCancel

Shopping on Amazon This Year?

If you are anything like me, you’d rather spend your time browsing Amazon.com for the perfect rather than wandering through a shopping center. Its no secret I don’t love shopping, and anything delivered right to my door is WAY better than having to go out and buy it myself. Last year we had Christmas in…

Christmas Activity Advent Calendar

Christmas is in full swing in the Curren Airstream! Thanksgiving felt like it went a little long, since we didn’t actually leave family until December 4th, but we managed to get some decorations up  and start listening to Christmas music in the meantime. Last year we posted about 6 easy Christmas traditions you can do…

Road Story – Garbage in Bend, OR

After we left Crater Lake, we headed to Bend. We wanted to visit a few things in the area and it was a good place to spend the weekend and attend church. We had heard from some fellow travelers about a boondocking spot on China Hat Road, just south of Bend. It sounded like a…

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  • Great story… I really enjoyed reading it… Still wondering why the forest ranger gave you the boot on your second visit…. To be continued… Dun dun dun…. Anyway… enjoy your travels… We plan on being on the road in a year or so… Your stories are inspiring!


    • Jess

      We found out the National Forest closed to motorized vehicles as of November 1st. I’m assuming its just a winter thing and we were a few days too late. Nothing we did personally!ReplyCancel

Road Story: Emergency Rations, Rain, and… Raccoons!?!

We recently experienced a massive wandering failure. I pray that sharing it will somehow prevent something this awful from ever happening again. It had been raining for the last week or two, and we had a clear, sunny day. I decided it was a perfect time to dry out (and clean out) the back of…

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  • Christie Scott

    Oh my gosh. Brian’s mouth was hanging open as I read this to him. Yikes!!!! We feel for you. Glad it all turned out ok.ReplyCancel

  • Michael Grace

    Oh wow! You guys do a great job handling these bumps in the road. Thanks for sharing.ReplyCancel

  • Oh. My. Gosh. What a total nightmare! Thank you for sharing this! I hope it helps prevent this for others!!! AH!ReplyCancel

  • Gail Wasden

    Two weeks ago, I went out in in our garage in the morning and discovered that there were a number of things that weren’t where they were supposed to be. Some things had fallen down and were spread out in a funny way. I put things back and looked around but couldn’t discover what the cause might have been. This happened the next day and the next with pretty much the same stuff. But David also noticed that a partial roll of chicken wire that had been in the rafters overhead had fallen down on the garage floor, and when I went to investigate, I pointed out that it had fallen on the front bumper of his prize Porsche, which now had a patch of cross-hatch scratches about a foot wide and 8 inches high. So that night, I came out into the garage when it was dark and with only a flashlight and I discover a medium sized possum scrounging around. Needless to say he/she isn’t around anymore and we are careful to keep the car covered! As I think you found out, you can’t be too careful and you have to make sure everything is secured!ReplyCancel

  • Christie Scott

    So I have a few questions and I am wondering if you could email me when you have time!! I am wondering how you got facebook so intergrated into your blog that you can even post through facebook on it? I am loving that. Your blog is so beautifully done in general and I would love some pointers. Also tomorrow we are heading southlike and will be really close to where you guys are for a couple days, would LOVE to meet up if you guys are able?! I am at spotthescotts@gmail.com 🙂ReplyCancel

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