About Us


Hi there! We are the Curren Family. We traveled full time in our Airstream from 2013-2017 and now split our time between our small condo in Teton Valley, ID and the road.

As avid, outdoor, travel and adventure enthusiasts we are here to provide tips, advice, and inspiration to help you develop healthier and stronger family relationships.

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How Did Your Adventures Start?

We left Utah for a house swapping adventure in Virginia and decided to not go home. At least that’s how we look at it.

We are the Currens. Originally from Lehi, UT where we lived the suburban dream. Mini van, house projects, gardening, school, neighborhood parties and friends. Through an amazing series of events our dreams have shifted to include giving up the house and (almost) everything in it while pursuing traveling full time with our family in an Airstream.

How did it all start? Glad you asked.


We had a family contact us through homexchange.com who were interested in a short term swap. After talking about our different situations, both families felt that we could stay longer so we planned for 6 months and decided to just keep in touch. We left Utah July 15, 2013 and took 18 days to drive to Virginia, including a detour through Minneapolis (because we ALL know that’s on the way). Traveling soon become our favorite thing.

Leaving Utah For Virginia
Video about our House Swapping Adventure
Visiting Friends along the way
Video about our stay in Minnesota

We spent 3 months in Virginia (ending the house swap 3 months early) researching, buying, planning, and exploring before heading out on the road full-time in November.

Our First Trip Into Washington DC
Starting to Homeschool
Exploring Washington DC & Surrounding Areas
Buying Our Airstream
Short Trip to Delaware
Exploring Philadelphia
A Few of the Reasons We Decided to Travel Full Time

We took 6 months (November 2013 – April 2014) to travel from Virginia  back to Utah via the Carolinas, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California. We loved traveling so much we made the decision to list and sell our house before we even arrived back in Utah.

Then came the HUGE task of renovating the bedroom area of the Airstream, selling all of our stuff, and minimizing our life. Turns out that is not an easy task.

Where Does Everyone Sleep?
Bedroom Remodel
Returning to Lehi, Selling Our Stuff, and Some Readjustment Issues

We officially drove away from our sticks & bricks house on June 20, 2014 and have been on the move ever since.

So that’s our story. At least some of it anyway. We are in awe of how traveling has affected our family and our life for the better and couldn’t be happier. Will we travel forever? No. We know at some point we will need to “settle” back down, but until then we will enjoy our wanderings.

Meet the Family! 

Cara blog“My name is Silly Woman.” At least that’s what she’ll tell you if you ask what her name is. Cara has some spunk. I’m not sure where she gets it from, but she really is quite silly. She’s stubborn but also very loveable. She loves to pretend she’s older than she really is – probably happens a lot to the youngest – but it leads to frustration when she can’t keep up.  She also loves Duplos, stuffed animals, gives us make believe brownies, gummy worms, and crisp apples while we hike and loves to be wherever her siblings are. She is a riding machine on her bike and has a few scars from going to fast and eating pavement.


Andrew blog

Andrew is the middle child. I can see him waiver between wanting to be grown up like Rachel, and silly like Cara. Sometimes he’s both. He’s adventurous, brave, caring, social, and friendly. He breezes through school, loves electronics, and at times I can’t get him to stop reading.


rachel blogBeing the oldest is difficult, but she does it well! I love watching her conquer her fears and excel! Rachel  loves to read, crochet, bake, and explore new places.


Jess blog I’m Jess! I like to think of myself as the ring leader, the planner, the try and keep it together so that everything doesn’t fall apart one. I’m a ex-wedding photographer, and traded it all to wander. I miss my kids when they are gone (something I’d never thought I’d say), and somehow I’m a much better mom and person when I have to plan and spend a lot of time with them.  It makes us all happy.


sam blogSam is a husband, father, financial support, stresser of all things Airstream related and the best adventure partner a girl could ask for. He works as a programmer to support our lifestyle while simultaneously tutoring the kids in math and programming and reining in my “do ALL the things” mentality. We balance each other out and I’m grateful for that!


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  • […] had been traveling. Our ‘getting started’ date is a little fuzzy due to starting with a house-swap before Airstream travel and a short break selling the house. I decided to fix our […]ReplyCancel

  • Tyler Garfield

    Wish I would have done this when our kids were younger. Empty nesters now and all wish we could swing a similar lifestyle. My wife and I travel and adventure a lot but always return to work some more so we can afford our next adventure! Maybe sometime! God bless you!ReplyCancel

  • Becki Day

    I am so glad I came across your family in the Costco catalog (of all places?!) My family of four plans to take a year and travel the United States just like this! I just found your site, but I can already tell that you are going to be a huge resource for me in my planning.ReplyCancel

    • Jess

      Glad you found us! Let us know if you have any questions!ReplyCancel

  • Your blog is adorable! I liked your Facebook page, I’d love to travel with my two kids one day. I hope to one day travel like this. Thank you! I’m going to sign up for a newsletter as well.ReplyCancel

  • Your family is an inspiration! Hope to someday launch some adventures of our own, while our three boys are young! Thank you for the tips and hints…ReplyCancel

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  • […] House-swapping as the start of the Curren’s travel adventure […]ReplyCancel

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